652 results for Leadership


web resource
Ministry Matters
This website is a general purpose site containing dozens of articles and blogs on information...
Conflict Prevention and Mediation in the Jewish Tradition
This article provides an overview on conflict resolution and mediation in contemporary and...
McIntosh Church Growth Network
This organization provides consulting and online resources focused on a variety of topics,...
web resource
The Rural Ministry Blog
Bi-vocational pastor Harry Colegrove’ s leadership experience in a small town informs...
Small Is Big! Unleashing the Big Impact of Intentionally Small Churches
This book presents the small house church as a way to achieve ministry as described by Jesus...
Ministry Outreach: Growing Your Church's Small Groups
This article provides a basic framework for understanding healthy small group leadership.
The Steward Leader: Transforming People, Organizations and Communities
This resource provides a way for leaders to see everything they do as a stewardship of God's...
web resource
Groups Matter - #TheExchange with @EdStetzer and @RealEricGeiger
President of LifeWay Research Division Ed Stetzer and Vice President of LifeWay Christian...
Holy Currencies: 6 Blessings for Sustainable Missional Ministries
This book lists six congregational assets, also known as "currencies." By using gracious...
Kaleidoscope Institute
This organization provides training, week-long workshops, and consulting on a variety of...
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