652 results for Leadership


web resource
"What If…" Series: Faith Formation Strategies for a post-Pandemic World
These articles offer creative and practical faith formation ideas for an increasingly...
web resource
Smart Church Management
The website includes articles on administration, staffing, leadership, human resources, and...
Church + Home: The Proven Formula for Building Lifelong Faith
This resource presents a home-centered faith formation approach as a way to establish lifelong...
Generations Together: Caring, Praying, Learning, Celebrating, & Serving Faithfully
This comprehensive guide helps congregations lay the groundwork for establishing vibrant...
The Body Keeps the Score
This psychology-based book shares the prevalence of trauma, how it impacts the brain and the...
This go-to family ministry resource offers blogs, curricula, events, and podcasts to...
web resource
Who is my Neighbor?
This series of articles shares the story of Westbury UMC's refugee resettlement ministry as a...
Staffing When You Can't Afford to Staff
This article considers practical ways to have “ volunteer staff” in your...
This Baltimore organization supports Black Wealth by mobilizing the community, congregrations,...
Are You Thinking Strategically
This article provides six leadership strategies to navigate change.
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