99 results for Black


Nurturing Faith and Hope: Black Worship as a Model for Christian Education
This resource examines why and how worship in the African American tradition is formative as a...
Playbook for Christian Manhood: 12 Key Plays for Black Teen Boys
Using the game of football as a conceptual framework, this resource guides young male...
Black and Latino Startup Churches Work to Stay Afloat During Pandemic
This article highlights congregations of color that revolutionized urban ministry during the...
Resources for a Church that Wants to Fight for Black Lives
This guide helps congregations educate themselves about systemic racism and move toward racial...
Youth Ministry in the Black Church: Centered in Hope
Based on a study of more than 800 congregations, this resource draws from the experience of...
Preaching Funerals in the Black Church: Bringing Perspective to Pain
This resource provides theological reflections and suggestions for clergy seeking to provide...
This Baltimore organization supports Black Wealth by mobilizing the community, congregrations,...
Thema Bryant: Churches play a crucial role in providing mental health support and advocating for...
This interview with American Psychological Association President and AME elder Thema Bryant...
Cut Dead But Still Alive: Caring for African American Young Men
Based off the author's personal experience, along with the stories of six young black men,...
Call Blackline
This organization exists to provide private crisis counseling and witness listening for...
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