97 results for Ideas


Irresistible Church Network
This organization strives to unite mission-minded churches in a network to create an...
Church & State: Government Restrictions or Biblical Convictions
In this Q Ideas recorded event, Gabe Lyons facilitates a panel discussion about the...
Faith Video
Faith Video is a video content creation suite of tools that allows users to capture and...
Lifelong Faith: Formation for All Ages and Generations
This practical guide invigorates discipleship by helping faith leaders develop goals,...
web resource
The Inclusive Church: Helping Churches Successfully Include Children with Special Needs
This blog is for congregational leaders desiring resources for special needs inclusion,...
Beyond the Offering Plate: A Holistic Approach to Stewardship
This collection of essays explores themes of stewardship through various lenses using...
Growing Young: Six Essential Strategies to Help Young People Discover and Love Your Church
This resource draws insights from a study of congregations and young adults to present helpful...
We Dare Not Fall: Dealing with the Peril of Clergy Sexual Misconduct
This article helps male clergy understand and identify the risks of clergy sexual misconduct...
Jump-starting a Synagogue Stimulus Plan
This article looks at the challenges facing synagogues in the United States and offers...
web resource
Rural Church Network of the United States and Canada
This web resource, by Rural Church Network, provides space for congregational leaders in...
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