574 results for Specialized Ministries


Kitchen Table Giving: Reimagining How Congregations Connect with their Donors
This book details how to elicit more giving by building trust.
LifeKeys Discovery Workbook: Discover Who You Are
This workbook is filled with exercises and reflection questions to help readers discover their...
MissioRelate: Becoming a Church of Missional Small Groups
This resource looks at the future of small group ministry and offers the missional church...
Midrash: Reading the Bible with Question Marks
This resource defines and explores the meaning of Midrash --- a method of interpreting...
Multidimensional Ministry for Today's Black Family
This collection of essays explores a range of topics that impact the well-being of individuals...
Starting a Nonprofit at Your Church
This comprehensive book provides congregations with the necessary tools to decide whether or...
Sticky Faith: Everyday Ideas to Build Lasting Faith in Your Kids
This research-based resource identifies steps leaders and parents can take to help students...
Sticky Faith Youth Worker Edition: Practical Ideas to Nurture Long-Term Faith in Teenagers
Based on research from Fuller Youth Institute, this series focuses on teens in the...
Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving and Finding the Church
This book reflects on what it means to belong, leave, and rediscover the church, particularly...
Reimagining Faith Formation for the 21st Century: Engaging All Ages and Generations
This book offers a conceptual framework for faith formation in a changing world. Practical...
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