189 results for Planning


Positive Change for Congregations
This article summarizes the experience of the Indianapolis Center for Congregations in...
The Change Architects
The Change Architects is a specialized firm that focuses on facilitating large-scale...
Using the Resources of the Web to Research a Congregation
This article offers tips and tools to help a congregation better understand the needs of...
Another Way: Living and Leading Change on Purpose
This book provides a creative framework to discern purpose and plan a path forward. Its...
Horizons Stewardship Company
Christian Principles for Managing Money
This book is often used by congregations to create financial literacy courses for members.
Stilling the Storm: Worship and Congregational Leadership in Difficult Times
This resource offers guidance for worship planners in congregations going through difficulty...
The World Cafe: Shaping Our Futures Through Conversations That Matter
This book provides congregations with a way to create a culture of conversation based off a...
Pastor, Staff, and Committee Job Description Book
Written by the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board, this free download provides sample job...
The 21 Day Financial Fast
This text is often used for financial literacy courses in local congregations.
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