67 results for Technology


Digital Disciples
This article looks at how one pastor was able to incorporate technology and social media to...
HouseRight Production
This organization offers audio, visual, and lighting consultation, design, technology...
Lessons On Youth Ministry In an Asian-American Context
This panel discussion has youth ministry insights from leaders in Asian-American churches.
iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Happy and Completely Unprepared for...
This book focuses on young adults born from the mid-1990s on. It explores technology’ s...
Outspoken: Conversations on Church Communication
This book contains dozens of brief, expert articles about how to communicate ideas inside and...
Church After COVID: 7 Predictions for How the Church Will Change by 2025
This article forecasts how online giving will take a central role in congregational life.
This comprehensive app and online engagement platform helps ministries connect with...
You're A Miracle (And a Pain in the Ass)
This raw and sometimes irreverant book from Mike McHargue demonstrates that we're all broken,...
8 Disruptive Church Trends that Will Rule 2021
Thought leader Cary Nieuwhof describes how congregational life will change with technology and...
Virtual Ministry Assistants
Virtual Ministry Assistants provides administrators and information technology experts to aid...
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