87 results for Assessment


The Four Tendencies: The Indispensable Personality Profiles That Reveal How to Make Your Life...
This book analyzes four personality types as they relate to why individuals act and why they...
Avoiding All-Out Church War
This pack of eight articles educates readers about conflict and how to mitigate it in a...
Holy Conversations: Strategic Planning as a Spiritual Practice for Congregations
This book of practical tools turns strategic planning into "holy conversations" guided by...
Rural Home Missionary Association
This organization offers resources and trainings with the goal of planting and supporting...
Clergy Sexual Misconduct: A Systems Approach to Prevention, Intervention, and Oversight
This comprehensive book offers a systemic approach to clergy and congregation recovery after...
Ways Your Congregation Can Act Now for Racial Justice
This article lists 10 clear ways to actively support racial justice. It also links to further...
Child Sexual Abuse Response Plan
This article equips congregations with ways to prevent child abuse and what to do if abuse is...
First Impressions: Creating WOW Experiences in Your Church
This book urges congregations to treat guests with "acceptance and respect," and can be used...
Growing Small Group Leaders: One Year of Resources for Small Group Coaches
This one-year program uses a variety of tools like instructional handouts and training...
New Life through Shared Ministry: Moving from Volunteering to Mission
This resource examines the shared ministry system as a way for congregations to support lay...
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