90 results for Mental Health Ministries


web resource
CXMH Faith and Mental Health Podcast
This podcast, hosted by two mental health professionals, explores the intersection of faith...
Eskenazi Health Gender Health Program
This organization provides counseling and spiritual care services for older adolescent and...
This organization provides leadership and content for peer support groups for those dealing...
web resource
Close to Home Pastoral Care Pamphlets
These 12-page pamphlets about "close to home" issues help individuals acknowledge hard...
CTS Counseling Center
As part of Christian Theological Seminary, this center provides mental health counseling...
web resource
Spiritual First Aid
This resource hub combines faith and psychology to empower you to care for others from a...
Mental Health First Aid
This practical, skills-based training teaches participants how to address mental health...
Mental Health Grace Alliance
This organization provides support groups, access to affordable recovery care, resources for...
Black Youth Want to Improve Mental Health in Indy
This article describes how Faith in Indiana's Black Youth Collective is helping black...
web resource
Mental Health: A Guide for Faith Leaders
This web resource offers a professional yet succinct overview of mental health issues,...
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