222 results for Practical


Church Music Institute
This organization is dedicated to holistically promoting the health of church music in worship...
The Art of Powerful Questions: Catalyzing Insight, Innovation and Action
This 16-page booklet provides a practical framework for formulating powerful questions, skills...
Seeking God Together: An Introduction to Group Spiritual Direction
This resource provides clear and practical instructions on how to form and conduct a spiritual...
web resource
11 Principles for Improving Your Church's Small Groups
This short blog provides practical tips for implementing a small group ministry.
Making the Annual Pledge Drive Obsolete: How Churches Can Get Out of This Business Once and For All
This e-book challenges congregations to create a high-expectation culture of giving,...
From Jay-Z to Jesus: Reaching and Teaching Young Adults in the Black Church
This practical resource offers a comprehensive view of ministry to black young adults,...
God's Tapestry: Understanding and Celebrating Differences
This book is meant for individuals and congregational leaders invested in understanding...
Starting Right: Thinking Theologically About Youth Ministry
This resource encourages readers to view youth ministry from a practical theology perspective...
The Power of Asset Mapping: How Your Congregation Can Act on Its Gifts
Divided into three sections, this book will help congregations discover their assets ---...
Journeying Toward Renewal: A Spiritual Companion for Pastoral Sabbaticals
Is your ministry bogged down? Are you "going through the spiritual motions" because the...
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