79 results for Social Justice


Introduction to the Practice of African American Preaching
This book explores the history, style, and practice of African American preaching, and...
Our Day to End Poverty: 24 Ways You Can Make a Difference
Written by a long-time justice advocate, this family-friendly guide connects everyday tasks to...
Transform Network
This missional network provides workshops, a national gathering, and online resources focused...
Preaching God's Transforming Justice: A Lectionary Commentary Featuring 22 New Holy Days for Justice
This three-volume set examines the Revised Common Lectionary through the lens of "God's...
web resource
Kol Aleph
This website for The Alliance for Jewish Renewal encourages reform and revitalization of...
book Updated
The Coming Revolution in Church Economics: Why Tithes and Offerings Are No Longer Enough, and...
This book can help congregational leaders identify new ways to finance their...
book Updated
Beyond Welcome: Centering Immigrants in Our Christian Response to Immigration
Many American Christians have good intentions, working hard to welcome immigrants with...
Straight White American Jesus
This podcast offers in-depth examination of of Evangelical Christian nationalism and its...
web resource
Learning for Justice
This resource hub helps students K-12 to learn about diversity and social justice issues. ...
web resource
Jewish Education - Teaching Emotional Intelligence
This website, by the Founder and President of Orthodox Jewish social justice organization Uri...
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