1769 results for Education And Awareness


web resource
Interfaith Toolkit: Engage Your Neighbors
This resource offers neighborhood engagement strategies, such as identifying concerns you hold...
web resource
Standing in the Shadow of Love: The Role of the Black Church in Youth Suicide Prevention
This web resource, provided by Psychology Professor and Pastor Dr. Sherry Davis Molock,...
Liturgy Training Publications
This organization offers publications that support active participation in the Sunday...
This organization encourages interfaith dialogue among congregations to better understand...
Parish Evaluation Project (PEP)
This consulting organization provides a large variety of consulting services and is best known...
Religious Buildings
The annual Traditional Building magazine is targeted to professionals in architecture,...
Pentecost Journey DVD - A Planning Guide for Non-Hispanic/Latino Congregations
This comprehensive program helps churches intentionally reach out to Hispanic and Latino...
"Is the Black Church Dead?" A Roundtable on the Future of Black Churches
This 2-hour panelist discussion examines the evolution of the Black Church, its positive...
The Power of Ritual: Turning Everyday Activities into Soulful Practices
This book explores how we can nourish our souls by transforming common, everyday...
This free, national mentor network helps small businesses get started, grow, and make...
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