1847 results for Education And Awareness


This business sells sensory equipment and gyms that congregations can use to create sensory...
This organization believes in the restorative power of taking a break. Recognizing that 40%...
Hord Architects
This architecture firm helps congregations with renovations or construction that reflect...
Pulpit AI
A product offering of Subsplash, who believes that tech should be simple and powerful,...
The 2024 State of AI in the Church Survey Report
This article from Exponential provides information from a survey on the current thoughts...
Increasing Active Engagement Video Tool Kit
The Lewis Center for Church Leadership shares that research has shown that frequently,...
media Updated
How To Stream in Multiple Languages
This video from Resi describes how multicultural and bilingual congregations can stream...
A Brief Guide to Ministry with LGBTQIA Youth
This book for LGBTQIA-affirming congregations provides ministry guidance and introduces the...
web resource
Church Collaboration
Church Collaboration is a website built by coaching and consulting firm ChurchFuture of...
The Decision Book: 50 Models for Strategic Thinking
This workbook introduces 50 different models for strategic thinking, detailing a history,...
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