92 results for Giving


Charity Detox: What Charity Would Look Like if We Cared About Results
This resource advocates for charitable approaches that create systemic change, describing...
Social Movements for Good: How Companies and Causes Create Viral Change
Based on research of millennials and their patterns of giving, this resource helps readers...
The Church Money Manual: Best Practices for Finance and Stewardship
Written by a church growth consultant, this straightforward guide provides potential solutions...
web resource
ReOpening Church: Leading After COVID-19
This go-to staffing resource supports leaders on numerous topics to strategize and live into a...
How to Livestream for Free: A Quick Solution for Churches
This short article outlines how to stream with Free Online Church and links to other important...
web resource
This web resource promotes areyvut, a term that means "mutual responsibility", as a...
Guidance for the New Normal
This blog post summarizes good reopening practices from multiple sources for returning to...
Preparing to Build: Practical Tips and Experienced Advice to Prepare Your Church for a Building...
This comprehensive book takes readers through the complete building process from analysis to...
Beyond Fundraising: A Complete Guide to Congregational Stewardship
This book covers all aspects of congregational stewardship, ranging from the spirituality of...
The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict
This book is based off a four-part biblical peacemaking method centered around the New...
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