1769 results for Education And Awareness


Michelle Singletary
This national speaker teaches congregations about economic development, wealth building, and...
4 Views on Pastoring LGBTQ Teenagers: Effective Ministry to Students Among Us
This book includes practical and compassionate approaches to youth ministry with questioning...
Music That Makes Community
This nonprofit encourages vibrant, multi-ethnic and multi-lingual worship that connects people...
This comprehensive app and online engagement platform helps ministries connect with...
web resource
The Witness: A Black Christian Collective
Drawing on the expansive Black Church tradition, this collective connects personal faith and...
Consultant Leanette Pokuwaah uses the Enneagram framework to explore healing, personality...
web resource
Enneagram for Wholeness
This media-rich website shares Enneagram insights from Annie Dimond and interactive tools...
web resource
Smart Church Management
The website includes articles on administration, staffing, leadership, human resources, and...
Please Pass the Faith: The Art of Spiritual Grandparenting
This resource looks at the role grandparenting plays in passing faith to future generations,...
Simply in Season Children's Cookbook
This book seeks to restore a relationship between children and their food, offering wisdom and...
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