1769 results for Education And Awareness


Cultural Orientation Resource Center
This organization provides cultural Information services to support refugee communities.
Taking Flight with Creativity: Worship Design Teams That Work
This resource tackles the ins and outs of vibrant worship, and provides suggestions on how to...
Feasting on the Word Worship Companion
Based on the Revised Common Lectionary, this six-volume set of liturgical resources contains...
Face to Face: The Art of Human Connection
This book offers stories and key strategies for conversation skills and meaningful human...
Growing Healthy Asian American Churches
Written by Asian American authors and pastors, this resource provides various biblical...
Generosity Rising: Lead a Stewardship Revolution in Your Church
This resource seeks to inspire and coach the individual congregation leader who wants to...
How to Lead in Church Conflict: Healing Ungrieved Loss
This resource equips leaders to help congregations grieve and heal after conflict, focusing on...
Improvisation: The Drama of Christian Ethics
This resource takes a historical and contemporary approach to ethics that will help the...
Resources for a Church that Wants to Fight for Black Lives
This guide helps congregations educate themselves about systemic racism and move toward racial...
LifeKeys Discovery Workbook: Discover Who You Are
This workbook is filled with exercises and reflection questions to help readers discover their...
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