343 results for Leaders


Four Guiding Principles for Managing a Polarized Congregation
This article equips leaders to navigate conflict in the congregation.
Working with Consultants
This guide walks leaders through basic considerations to make before engaging an outside...
The Challenges of Pastoring a Smaller Membership Church
This article identifies ten challenges that small church pastors might face while offering...
web resource
Church Merger Outline
This web resource, by Pastoral Care, Inc., an ecumenical organization dedicated to providing...
Vital Congregations
This study of leaders across ten faith traditions defines spiritual vitality, reveals which...
web resource
Hymnary.org is a website designed as a resource for worship leaders. It helps pastors and...
Fresh Expressions
This organization helps local faith leaders create new kinds of church and meet modern...
The World Cafe: Shaping Our Futures Through Conversations That Matter
This book provides congregations with a way to create a culture of conversation based off a...
The Urban Christian: Effective Ministry in Today's Urban World
This practical guide provides tools useful for urban ministry, challenging leaders to...
Safe Sanctuaries: The Church Responds to Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of Older Adults
This resource provides congregations with information and strategies to protect older members...
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