188 results for Worship


Liturgy for the Closing of a Church
This downloadable liturgy from the United Church of Canada is designed to be the final...
The Order of Service for the Closing of a Church
This download contains a Roman Catholic liturgy template for the closing of a church.
web resource
National Congregations Study
This website for the National Congregations Study provides data and survey results that...
Church Music Institute
This organization is dedicated to holistically promoting the health of church music in worship...
Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI)
This organization provides congregations with legal means for utilizing copyrighted music in...
Hartford Institute for Religion Research
This organization provides scholarly research and resources about a variety of topics related...
Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations
Written by the United Methodist Bishop of Missouri, this book outlines five congregational...
Enduring Connections: Creating a Preschool and Children's Ministry
Written by a children's ministry specialist, this resource launches a conversation on a...
The Stewardship Companion: Lectionary Resources for Preaching
Designed for use as a reference, this book provides lectionary resources tied to stewardship...
web resource
The African American Lectionary
This website is a key online resource, particularly formed for an African American audience,...
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