1769 results for Education And Awareness


The Social Media Gospel: Sharing the Good News in New Ways
Written by a church communications professional, this step-by-step guide explains how and why...
Transition Plan: 7 Secrets Every Leader Needs to Know
This resource provides an honest approach to clergy leadership transitions, and how...
Helping Kids Include Kids with Disabilities
This practical book contains information and tools to assist congregations in their quest for...
web resource
Singing from the Lectionary
This weekly blog website, provided by Natalie Sims, provides recommendations several weeks...
Avoiding Splits – Fighting Fair in Church: Guidelines for an Effective Church...
This article addresses the problem of church conflict and the lack of training for pastors to...
Leading Life-Changing Small Groups
This workbook looks at both theory and practical issues to equip small group leaders with the...
Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR)
This organization empowers Rabbis by offering a variety of practical services such as...
Living into Community: Cultivating Practices That Sustain Us
This book examines the four practices that shape community experience, and details situations...
The Church Construction Kit: A Complete Project Guide for Church Building Programs
This practical guide will help your congregation navigate the building process, from the...
7 Simple Steps to Green Your Church
This two-part guide to become environmentally friendly includes case studies and tips,...
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