8 results for Innovative


web resource
11 High-Impact Planning Ideas for Senior Pastors
This blog provides innovative activities to clarify your congregation's strategy and vision. ...
Fuller Youth Institute
This innovative branch of Fuller Theological Seminary provides research-based articles,...
Transitional Ministry Today: Successful Strategies for Churches and Pastors
This collection of essays promotes a rethinking of the developmental model of interim ministry...
Leadership Institute at Union Presbyterian Seminary
This organization provides a variety of leadership development opportunities, including...
Something More
This visually-engaging report highlights 10 innovative faith communities to spark...
Kairos University
This innovative seminary provides distance learning for students to discern vocation in a...
Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center
This “ museum without walls” presents innovative, community-centered experiences...
Question. Persuade. Refer. (QPR) Institute
This organization's mission is to reduce suicidal behaviors and save lives by providing...
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