31 results for Lay Worker


Called and Chosen: Toward a Spirituality for Lay Leaders
This collection of 13 essays discusses relevant topics for lay ministers, such as the...
Waving the Banner for Youth Ministry
This podcast episode features youth worker Mark Oestreicher discussing COVID-19 and...
Sticky Faith Youth Worker Edition: Practical Ideas to Nurture Long-Term Faith in Teenagers
Based on research from Fuller Youth Institute, this series focuses on teens in the...
Building a New Church: A Process Manual for Pastors and Lay Leaders
This resource covers a range of broad to specific topics relating to the building or...
Church Music Institute
This organization is dedicated to holistically promoting the health of church music in worship...
Wholeness After Betrayal: Restoring Trust in the Wake of Misconduct
This book will help churches restore inner congregation peace after clergy and lay leader...
Generations Together: Caring, Praying, Learning, Celebrating, & Serving Faithfully
This comprehensive guide helps congregations lay the groundwork for establishing vibrant...
web resource
Mental Health: A Guide for Faith Leaders
This web resource offers a professional yet succinct overview of mental health issues,...
Toward the Better Country: Church Closure and Resurrection
This book draws from interviews with clergy and lay leaders from over 40 different churches to...
Empty Houses: A Pastoral Approach to Congregational Closures
Written for clergy and lay leaders who are considering closing their doors, this resource...
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