18 results for Meeting Facilities


Creating Third Place Spaces at Church
This 8-page article from a church architect offers tips and a research-based approach for...
The Other Philadelphia Story: How Local Congregations Support Quality of Life in Urban America
Based on multi-faith research, this book highlights the value congregations add to their...
The Clearness Committee: A Communal Approach to Discernment in Retreats
This article describes the Quaker practice "clearness committee" and instructs the reader in...
Redesigning Worship: Creating Powerful God Experiences
This resource covers a variety of topics related to contemporary worship, including the...
10 Reasons to Consider Purchasing an Existing Building for Your Church Expansion or Relocation...
This article argues that congregations seeking additional space may find their answer in...
National Fund for Sacred Places
This funder provides building grants and technical support for historic worship facilities.
IFF is a midwest-focused organization that provides programming support, financial...
Guidance for the New Normal
This blog post summarizes good reopening practices from multiple sources for returning to...
Church Facility Stewardship
This free download provides checklists and tools to proactively manage your congregation's...
Who Does What? A Guide to Design Professionals in Preservation
This article equips congregations to determine what type of building professional to hire...
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