14 results for Money


Accounting and Money for Ministerial Leadership: Key Practical and Theological Insights
This book written by a seminary professor introduces faith leaders to basic accounting,...
Ministry and Money: A Practical Guide for Pastors
Written by an accounting professor and theology professor, this book is a practical overview...
Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices: Money
This book provides a variety of Jewish voices and opinions on the topic of money --- how it...
Passing the Plate: Why American Christians Don't Give Away More Money
Written by sociologists, this book expands on why American Christians are reluctant to give,...
The Church Money Manual: Best Practices for Finance and Stewardship
Written by a church growth consultant, this straightforward guide provides potential solutions...
Christian Principles for Managing Money
This book is often used by congregations to create financial literacy courses for members.
What to Do with Your Money When Crisis Hits: A Survival Guide
This book teaches budgeting for life's unplanned events, such as COVID-19 and unemployment. ...
Money and Faith: William G. Enright and the Big American Taboo
This article teaches the redemptive link between faith and money, highlighting a philosophy...
Asking: A 59-Minute Guide to Everything Board Members, Volunteers, and Staff Must Know to Secure...
This book provides a variety of ways congregations can ask for money, covering topics like the...
Church Finance Today
This e-newsletter covers timely finance topics such as record keeping, business expenses,...
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