8 results for Policies


Intro to YouTube Policies and Guidelines
This interactive page shares guidelines, explains scenarios, and offers tips to upload YouTube...
Grant Readiness Series: A Comprehensive Guide to Navigating DEI Policies for Churches
This article supports congregational leaders as they develop DEI policies that might...
web resource
A Parishioner's Guide to Understanding Parish Finances
This document is a tool to evaluate lay people's awareness of congregational finances and...
A Sabbatical Primer for Pastors: How to Initiate and Navigate a Spiritual Renewal Leave
This book advocates for practices and policies that ensure a sabbatical for every pastor,...
Managing Church Facility Use
Published as a part of the Church Tax and Law Ministy of Christianity Today, this helpful...
Institutional Self-Assessment Tool for LGBTQ Inclusion
This comprehensive checklist helps congregations measure how well they include LGBTQ people...
Synagogue Inclusion Inventory & Focus Group Guidelines
This 11-page document gives leaders a process to assess their facility and conduct group...
The National Council for Mental Wellbeing
This membership organization drives policy and social change for mental health and...
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