41 results for Self Compassion


Bring Your Whole Self
Curator Alma Zaragoza-Petty
5 resources
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategies
Curator Thresette Briggs
3 resources
Theology and Your Congregation
Curator Tim Shapiro
5 resources


Checking In: Self-soothing exercises
This short podcast episode demonstrates mindful self-compassion with practical breathing...
web resource
Ministering for Mental Health
This resource page provides practical tools for congregational leaders to support mental...
Indiana Youth Group's LGBTQ+ Competency Training
This organization revolves around building community, developing leadership qualities, and...
web resource
The Best Articles on Self-Care in the Church
This webpage highlights the best-curated articles on self-care while employed by a church....
Taking Off the Masks: Telling Our Story and Giving God the Glory
This memoir explores self-worth and low self-esteem, sharing the author’ s story to...
A Center in the Cyclone: Twenty-First Century Clergy Self-Care
This book offers advice for clergy to lead a healthier lives through spiritual growth and...
Managing Emotional Mayhem: the 5 Steps for Self-Regulation
This book presents a foundation for adults to learn and understand the importance and...
Sticky Faith Innovation: How Your Compassion, Creativity and Courage Can Support Teenagers'...
This book offers a step-by-step innovation process that equips youth leaders to serve...
A Place at the Table: 40 Days of Solidarity with the Poor
This book outlines a 40-day spiritual journey to practice compassion and eat in solidarity...
Smart Compassion: How to Stop "Doing Outreach" and Start Making Change
This guide offers congregations a relationship-rich model for community ministry that can...
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