219 results for Small Churches


Leading Small Groups
Curator Marie Fleming
4 resources
Small Church Administration
Curator Matt Burke
6 resources


web resource
Helping Small Churches Thrive
A plethora of information about small churches is available on this website that is maintained...
Small Is Big! Unleashing the Big Impact of Intentionally Small Churches
This book presents the small house church as a way to achieve ministry as described by Jesus...
Five Strategic Advantages of Small Churches
This article identifies and details five strengths of smaller congregations while providing...
The UU Small Group Ministry Network
This organization provides information and resources for small group ministry such as an...
Missional Small Groups: Becoming a Community That Makes a Difference in the World
This resource shows how missional small groups differ from conventional small groups,...
The Indispensable Guide for Smaller Churches
Designed to help small church leaders improve their ministry, this book examines small...
Imagining the Small Church: Celebrating a Simpler Path
Filled with moving stories about the life of a small church, this book offers a candid look...
Lead Small: Five Big Ideas Every Small Group Leader Needs to Know
This resource provides strategies for encouraging faith among children through small group...
Nine Keys to Effective Small Group Leadership
This resource seeks to deepen understanding of why small groups are essential to...
Small Group Leaders' Handbook: Developing Transformational Communities
This resource argues that small groups are all about transformation, providing an overview of...
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