30 results for Violence Prevention


Responding to Mass Violence
Curator Kate White
9 resources


Gun Violence 101: Cheat Sheet Responding to the Call to Prevent Gun Violence
This short guide orients readers to the issue of gun violence, provides strategies, and...
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
This organization provides a free suicide prevention lifeline that offers support for those in...
Reclaiming the Gospel of Peace: Challenging the Epidemic of Gun Violence
This book published after the Sandy Hook shooting is the result 200 Episcopal bishops...
Confronting Gun Violence at Church
This article equips clergy and lay leaders with tips and information to prepare for the...
Clergy Sexual Misconduct: A Systems Approach to Prevention, Intervention, and Oversight
This comprehensive book offers a systemic approach to clergy and congregation recovery after...
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
This organization provides information and support for suicide prevention, advocacy, and...
Responding to Gun Violence Concerns at Churches
This short article provides perspective and ideas for congregational security options.
Healing the Healers
This series of short videos offers peer support for faith leaders who respond to...
web resource
Equal Justice Initiative (EJI)
This organization sheds light on America's legacy of slavery, racial violence, and mass...
web resource
Pastoral Care in the Time of COVID-19
This curated list of resources helps faith leaders tend to unique circumstances such as...
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