16 results for Vision


Mission and Vision
Curator Doug Hanner
4 resources
Congregational Planning
Curator Aimée Laramore and Louise Jackson
4 resources


Not Your Parent's Offering Plate: A New Vision for Financial Stewardship
This book teaches leaders how to cast a vision of generosity that empowers congregations to...
For the Beauty of the Church: Casting a Vision for the Arts
This collection of essays offers an expansive vision of the arts for the church.
Discovering God's Vision for Your Life: You and Your Spiritual Gifts
This eight-hour course is part of a comprehensive spiritual gifts program that helps users...
A Vision for the Aging Church: Renewing Ministry for and by Seniors
This book explores the aging population and shares how they can be assets to the congregation....
Practicing Witness: A Missional Vision of Christian Practices
This concise book offers a history and definition of missional theology, focusing on...
Strategic Planning For Black Churches: A Guidebook to Understanding the Future Impact of Today's...
Strategic planning is the process of assessing assets and challenges, opportunities and...
The Equipping Church Guidebook
This biblically-based guidebook details a vision and strategy for implementing a...
web resource
11 High-Impact Planning Ideas for Senior Pastors
This blog provides innovative activities to clarify your congregation's strategy and vision. ...
The Spirituality of Welcoming: How to Transform Your Congregation into a Sacred Community
This resource offers a compelling vision for how synagogues can become vibrant spiritual...
Starting Right: Thinking Theologically About Youth Ministry
This resource encourages readers to view youth ministry from a practical theology perspective...
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