25 results for Volunteer Evaluation


The Joys of Evaluation
Curator Kelly Minas
4 resources


The Volunteer Management Toolkit (Church Edition): Resources to Help You Recruit and Retain...
This volunteer toolkit is a step-by-step guide to developing and improving your congregation's...
Level Best: How Small and Grassroots Nonprofits Can Tackle Evaluation and Talk Results
This resource makes it easy for congregations to measure the effectiveness of particular...
Projects That Matter: Successful Planning and Evaluation for Religious Organizations
This book describes a six-step process for designing and implementing a project evaluation,...
When Better Isn't Enough: Evaluation Tools for the 21st Century Church
This book offers a 3-step process for effective congregational leadership evaluations,...
web resource
Transforming Church Insight (TCI)
This assessment tool provides an evaluation of your congregation's sense of community.
Finishing With Grace: A Guide to Selling, Merging, or Closing Your Church
This practical guide will help clergy and lay leaders through the oftentimes stressful process...
Curriculum Evaluation Tool
This article suggests ways to discern if a particular faith formation curriculum is a good fit...
Go the Distance
Part of a three-book series, this specific resource focuses on volunteers and covers topics...
web resource
This website offers guides to improve evaluation practices like surveys, group activities, and...
Parish Evaluation Project (PEP)
This consulting organization provides a large variety of consulting services and is best known...
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