49 results for Adult Education


Effective Religious Education
Curator Endon Perkins
6 resources
Christian Nationalism
Curator Michael Rotolo
6 resources
Forced into the Water: Emerging Trends in Religious Educations
Curator Michael Palmer
5 resources
Mental Health in Black and Brown Congregations
Curator Tim Shapiro
2 resources
Theology and Your Congregation
Curator Tim Shapiro
5 resources
Mental Health Education And Awareness
Curator the CRG Team
39 resources
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The Spiritual Guidance of Children: Montessori, Godly Play, and the Future
This resource adapts Montessori methods of education to religious education of children,...
48 Older Adult Ministry Ideas
This article gives an extensive list of ideas for activities and projects for an older adult...
Young Adult: Taking a Coalition Approach to Young Adult Ministry
This brief article provides rationale and models for imaginative and fruitful engagement with...
web resource
Adult Milestones Modules
This website offers discussion guides for adult milestones, such as buying a home or retiring....
Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (ASCA)
ASCA is a national support group for adult survivors of physical, sexual, and emotional child...
web resource
Strengthening Congregations: Paving the Road to Meaningful Young Adult Engagement
This web report from the 2013-2014 Union of Reform Judaism Young Adult Engagement Community of...
Emerging Adulthood: The Winding Road from the Late Teens Through the Twenties
This resource presents a picture of emerging adult life, looking at the five common markers...
Christian Education in the African American Church: A Guide for Teaching Truth
This book focuses on providing a Christian education for African Americans, equipping...
To Know As We Are Known: Education as a Spiritual Journey
This resource urges teachers and learners to recapture the spiritual dimension of education,...
web resource
Jewish Education - Teaching Emotional Intelligence
This website, by the Founder and President of Orthodox Jewish social justice organization Uri...
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