23 results for Blog


web resource
The Rural Ministry Blog
Bi-vocational pastor Harry Colegrove’ s leadership experience in a small town informs...
web resource
Youth Specialties Blog
This web resource offers topics and trends in youth ministry - from Holy Week devotional...
web resource
Ravblog is the blog of the Central Conference of American Rabbis and features contributions...
Robert K. Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership
This organization promotes and teaches the principles of servant leadership through...
web resource
Singing from the Lectionary
This weekly blog website, provided by Natalie Sims, provides recommendations several weeks...
web resource
The Inclusive Church: Helping Churches Successfully Include Children with Special Needs
This blog is for congregational leaders desiring resources for special needs inclusion,...
web resource
What "story" does the condition of your facility tell?
This blog post argues that congregations should pay attention to building cleanliness and...
web resource
Using Nonprofits for God's Purposes
This blog post discusses things to think about when considering a nonprofit startup.
web resource
Vital Synagogues
This blog post reflects on synagogue vitality and the importance of strengthening engagement...
7 Reasons Churches Shouldn't Celebrate Pastor's Appreciation Month
This blog considers why not to have Pastor's Appreciation month, so you can find better ways...
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