185 results for Community Outreach


Bring Your Whole Self
Curator Alma Zaragoza-Petty
5 resources
Worship as the Work of the People
Curator the CRG Team
3 resources
Generational Discipleship in the Age of COVID
Curator Christina Embree
8 resources
End of Life Planning Conversations
Curator Sabrina Gray
4 resources
Healthy Congregations
Curator the CRG Team
11 resources
The Practice of Prayer
Curator Tim Shapiro
5 resources
Healing Hearts and Souls
Curator Tim Shapiro
5 resources
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Outreach Magazine
Outreach Magazine is a by-monthly, non-denominational magazine for Christian churches that...
Smart Compassion: How to Stop "Doing Outreach" and Start Making Change
This guide offers congregations a relationship-rich model for community ministry that can...
Urban Apologetics: Restoring Black Dignity with the Gospel
Featuring contributions from a variety of scholars, this book focuses on ideologies in the...
Managing Empty Buildings during COVID
This webinar highlights considerations for an empty worship facility such as safety,...
Intentional Ministry in a Not-So-Mega Church: Becoming a Missional Community
This book argues that churches must move from an internal to an external focus, giving...
10 Back-to-School Outreach Ideas for Your Church
This article lists several back-to-school activities that engage both the congregation and...
web resource
Who is my Neighbor?
This series of articles shares the story of Westbury UMC's refugee resettlement ministry as a...
A Small N.C. Church Reaches Out in Big Ways
This resource uses the example of a small church in North Carolina to model ways a small...
Making Neighborhoods Whole: A Handbook for Christian Community Development
Based off the work of the Christian Community Development Association, this resource details...
DOOR (Discover Opportunities for Outreach and Reflection)
This organization plans service trips to urban areas so teens can bond and learn about...
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