11 results for Advertising


Congregational Communication Resources
Curator Matt Burke
6 resources
Creative Resources
Curator Kate White
6 resources


WebFX for Churches
This large digital marketing group expertly helps congregations engage people online.
Tilde Multimedia Company
Operating in the marketing and media space, this organization works to provide digital...
Center For Church Communication
This organization provides coaching and mentoring for congregations to use communication as an...
Less Chaos. Less Noise: Effective Communications for an Effective Church
Written by a communications expert, this book sharpens congregational practices to better...
Outspoken: Conversations on Church Communication
This book contains dozens of brief, expert articles about how to communicate ideas inside and...
Missional Marketing
This Christian advertising, marketing, and SEO agency helps congregations stay relevant in the...
Amplify Social Media
This resource will work with you to develop and schedule content, develop bots, manage...
The Hidden Power of the Electronic Church: How Media Shapes Faith, the Gospel, and Church
Written by a former advertising specialist turned pastor, this resource argues that...
Social Media Guide for Ministry: What It Is and How to Use It
Written by a social media pastor, this book makes a case for viewing social media as a...
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