121 results for Challenges


Congregational Leadership Development
Curator Kate White
8 resources
Worship Planning
Curator Tim Shapiro
6 resources
Challenges in Youth Ministry
Curator Mark Oestreicher
8 resources
Technology's Impact on Your Congregation
Curator Heidi Campbell
4 resources
Adaptive Leadership
Curator Tim Shapiro
5 resources
Church Leadership Workshops
Curator Ben Tapper
3 resources
Make It Personal: Leading a Multicultural Congregation
Curator the CRG Team
4 resources
Pastor and Laity as Leaders
Curator Tim Shapiro
5 resources
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article Updated
Against the Current: The Unexpected Challenges of Multi-Ethnic Ministry
This article contains an interview with the senior pastor of River City Community Church in...
5 Current Challenges Facing U.S. Churches
Lifeway has conducted a national research study to identify and determine the top five...
How Your Congregation Learns: The Learning Journey from Challenge to Achievement
This resource lays out a process for congregational leaders to move from identifying a...
The Challenges of Pastoring a Smaller Membership Church
This article identifies ten challenges that small church pastors might face while offering...
"You Can't Quit Smoking for Someone Else": Technical Problems and Adaptive Challenges
The easily readable article explains the differences between technical and adaptive...
The Post-Quarantine Church: Six Urgent Challenges and Opportunities That Determine the Future
This book provides coaching and strategies to live into the possibilities of the post...
Leadership in the Wilderness: Authority and Anarchy in the Book of Numbers
Using the book of Numbers, this book explores leadership and its accompanying challenges,...
Congregational Leadership in Anxious Times: Being Calm and Courageous No Matter What
This book equips leaders with the tools to see congregational conflict through a new...
Part-Time Pastor, Full-Time Church
Written by someone with first-hand experience, this book shows how the part-time clergy model...
The JGirl's Guide: The Young Jewish Woman's Handbook for Coming of Age
This resource compiles voices from scripture, tradition, and from women past and present to...
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