24 results for Clergy Care


Clergy Health
Curator Doug Hanner
5 resources
Congregational Leadership Development
Curator Kate White
8 resources
Technology for Virtual Congregational Life
Curator Kate White
6 resources
Responding to Mass Violence
Curator Kate White
9 resources
Spirituality: A Deep Dive
Curator Tim Shapiro
5 resources
The Practice of Prayer
Curator Tim Shapiro
5 resources
Healing Hearts and Souls
Curator Tim Shapiro
5 resources
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Resilient Church Leaders: Clinical Thoughts
This article helps leaders reflect upon personal mental health and professional limits to care...
Care for Pastors
Care for Pastors is an organization dedicated to the health and well-being of pastors in...
8 Ways to Show Appreciation
This podcast gives ideas to celebrate your pastor during Pastor Appreciation month.
7 Reasons Churches Shouldn't Celebrate Pastor's Appreciation Month
This blog considers why not to have Pastor's Appreciation month, so you can find better ways...
web resource
Pastor Appreciation During Coronavirus
This membership website has sample letters and templates to honor pastors during COVID-19.
An Early Warning System for Your Team's Stress Level
This article lists practical ways to help your team recognize and manage unhealthy stress.
Louisville Seminary Counseling Center
This counseling center provides a variety of mental health services to adults, families, and...
web resource
Spiritual First Aid
This resource hub combines faith and psychology to empower you to care for others from a...
Your 'Surge Capacity' is Depleted: It's Why You Feel Awful
This article unpacks why self-care and crisis-management skills are insufficient for the...
Healing the Healers
This series of short videos offers peer support for faith leaders who respond to...
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