22 results for Peace


Leading Small Groups
Curator Marie Fleming
4 resources
Responding to Mass Violence
Curator Kate White
9 resources
Is Race The Real Problem?
Curator Rev. Wallace Butts
3 resources


Reclaiming the Gospel of Peace: Challenging the Epidemic of Gun Violence
This book published after the Sandy Hook shooting is the result 200 Episcopal bishops...
These thought leaders advocate for faith-based social justice. They create thought-provoking...
web resource
Social Justice & the Union for Reform Judaism
This web resource provided by The Union for Reformed Judaism has compiled a variety of...
Sanctuary: A Discernment Guide for Congregations
This guide explains the immigration Sanctuary Movement and how congregations can support...
World Relief
This organization employs principles of transformational development to empower local churches...
Reconcile: Conflict Transformation for Ordinary Christians
This book draws from the author's experience in reconciliation work around the world, offering...
Cultivating Nonviolence, Harvesting Peace
This training prepares participants to respond to personal and societal conflict with...
Myanmar: Religion, Peace and Conflict Country Profile
This article helps congregational leaders understand the religious dimensions of society,...
web resource
Publicly Engaged Church for Justice and Peace
This ELCA resource hub offers community organizing and advocacy tools for congregations.
Fulfilled: Living and Leading With Unusual Wisdom, Peace, and Joy
This resource seeks to lessen the stresses of pastoral leadership, offering three traits ---...
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