
Preaching To A Multi-Generational Assembly

by Andrew Carl Wisdom, Liturgical Press, MN, 2004


This resource offers an in-depth exploration of the challenge of preaching to multiple age groups, developing a model for making Catholic preaching more contextually relevant to an intergenerational audience.


communication theory, contemporary marketing segmentation theory, focus group research findings

Recommended Audience

Catholic clerg


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Practical Applications

  • Make the Gospel message relevant to each and every parishioner by understanding how various Catholic generations relate to one another and the Church.
  • Develop sermons accessible to various age demographics by applying princples of communication theory.

About the Contributor

Susan Weber

LEI Division Evaluation Project

Susan Weber coordinates the evaluation processes for Lilly Endowment Inc.’s Religion Division. She spent several years as the Indianapolis Center for Congregation’s director of evaluation and congregational learning, as well as a resource consultant to congregations.

Susan is a Roman Catholic lay woman. Prior to her work at the Center, she served the Archdiocese of Indianapolis as coordinator of boards of education, office of Catholic education from 1976-1985. For almost 20 years thereafter, she was an independent consultant and group facilitator for dioceses, churches, religious communities, and schools nationwide. Sue has degrees from St. Mary-of-the-Woods College and Indiana University, Bloomington and is professionally certificated as a group facilitator through Indiana University.

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