
4 Opportunities for the Church in the Current Political Tension
This article shares strategies for congregations to be part of the solution during divisive...
Questions about How to Measure Online Attendance
This article covers simple engagement metrics for worship and advice to improve virtual...
"You Can't Quit Smoking for Someone Else": Technical Problems and Adaptive Challenges
The easily readable article explains the differences between technical and adaptive...
Hijacked: Responding to the Partisan Church Divide
These co-authors are not on the same side of politics, but they do agree that finding common...
The Colossian Forum
This organization helps Christian communities use cultural conflicts as opportunities for...
Simon Sinek - The Golden Circle - Ted Talk
Ted Talk from Sinek's book "Start with Why" articulates the difference between value-based and...
Roadmap to Reconciliation 2.0: Moving Communities into Unity, Wholeness, and Justice
This book explains racial reconciliation and practical steps for predominantly white...
Braver Angels
This organization helps Americans seek understanding across red and blue political lines,...
web resource
Pastoral Care in the Time of COVID-19
This curated list of resources helps faith leaders tend to unique circumstances such as...
web resource
Small-Church Pastors Adapt and Recover Kit (SPARK)
During the pandemic, this webpage helps small membership church leaders to adapt and recover...
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