
Troubled Minds: Mental Illness and the Church's Mission
This resource challenges, today's Christian church to take seriously Jesus' teachings about...
Souls in the Hands of a Tender God: Stories of the Search for Home and Healing on the Streets
Based off the authors' experience as street chaplains in Seattle, this resource challenges...
Wrestling with Our Inner Angels: Faith, Mental Illness, and the Journey to Wholeness
This book explores the link between spirituality and mental health recovery.
Fresh Hope: Living Well in Spite of a Mental Health Diagnosis
This workbook details a support group model for those diagnosed with bipolar disorder,...
Risking Connection in Faith Communities: A Training Curriculum for Faith Leaders Supporting...
This training curriculum looks at the spiritual and psychological effects of trauma to help...
Interfaith Network on Mental Illness
This organization provides resources for increasing awareness and understanding of mental...
Mental Health Grace Alliance
This organization provides support groups, access to affordable recovery care, resources for...
Comfort My People - A Policy Statement on Serious Mental Illness with Study Guide
Written by the Advisory Committee on Social Witness of the Presbyterian Church, this study...
Jesus Wept: When Faith & Depression Meet
This resource uses real-life stories to shed light on the harmful assumptions surrounding...
Ministry with Persons with Mental Illness and Their Families
Designed for clergy and lay caregivers, this resource takes an interdisciplinary approach to...
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