
Alternatives to Calling the Police
This resource page unpacks why a congregation might call police and highlights alternatives...
Race and Faith: Building Our Community
This recorded series explores racism and how faith leaders can be part of the solution in...
web resource
Christians and Racial Justice: A Discussion Guide
This four-part guide educates about the original sin of America - racism - and invites...
Ways Your Congregation Can Act Now for Racial Justice
This article lists 10 clear ways to actively support racial justice. It also links to further...
web resource
Racial Reconciliation and Systemic Racism
This resource hub educates congregations about racial justice from a faith perspective.
Faith in Action
This national faith-based organization mobilizes diverse faith leaders to advocate for...
web resource
Jewish Values and the Coronavirus
This resource hub supports value-based leadership and ethical decision making during COVID-19....
For Our White Friends Desiring to Be Allies
This article offers practical steps to support people of color and racial justice.
web resource
EmPOWERED to Serve
This online platform by the American Heart Association reduces health disparities and supports...
web resource
Coronavirus Resources for the Church
The Wheaton College Human Disaster Institute offers a streamlined resource page for...
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