
God's EPIC Adventure: Changing Our Culture by the Story We Live and Tell
This book provides a thoughtful and thorough guide to the narrative thread that connects...
Children's Ministry Check-In and Check-Out Procedures
This article focuses on how to keep children safe while they are in church facilities.
Medical Emergency Preparation
This article argues for a health ministry team that can be integrated into the congregation...
Youth Leader Training on the Go: Practical Leadership Development for Busy Volunteers
This DVD curriculum allows youth pastors to train volunteers remotely by sending video...
Child Sexual Abuse Response Plan
This article equips congregations with ways to prevent child abuse and what to do if abuse is...
web resource
Scripture Engagement
The work of Scripture Engagement (available on the Bible Gateway website) comes from Taylor...
Building Your Volunteer Team: A 30-Day Change Project for Youth Ministry
This resource walks readers through a 30-day boot camp in order to secure youth volunteers.
web resource
Secure Community Network
This website provides news updates and education to safeguard Jewish communities and families....
Telling God's Story: The Biblical Narrative from Beginning to End
Based on a curriculum developed by veteran college teachers, this resource explores the Bible...
Can I Ask That?: 8 Hard Questions About God & Faith
Part of the Sticky Faith curriculum produced by Fuller Youth Institute, this resource provides...
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