456 results for Resources


web resource
Health and Wellness
This website, provided by the Union for Reform Judaism, offers helpful information and...
Ministry with Prisoners and Families: The Way Forward
This edited volume equips congregations to form a response to the impact of incarceration on...
This organization provides online resources, group discussions, and courses that focus on the...
Pathways to Promise
This organization promotes faith-based ministries for people with mental illnesses and...
The Center for Parish Development
This organization provides resources and consulting to help congregations expand their...
The Inner City Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru)
This organization partners with inner-city churches to develop new disciples while addressing...
Mosaix Global Network
This organization provides resources and membership for congregations interested in...
web resource
Concerning COVID-19
This website provides guidelines for compassionate congregations during a crisis, instructions...
Church Leader's Guide to Immigration
This practical article is formatted around a series of questions and answers for church...
This LGBTQ-affirming organization provides liturgical resources and sermon starters for those...
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