114 results for Wellness


Holy Currencies: 6 Blessings for Sustainable Missional Ministries
This book lists six congregational assets, also known as "currencies." By using gracious...
Holy Currency Exchange: 101 Stories, Songs, Actions, and Visions of Missional and Sustainable...
This book provides strategies on the stewardship of the six holy currencies: money, time and...
Youth Ministry During the Pandemic
These webinars offer culturally competent youth strategies to stay connected and maintain...
An Early Warning System for Your Team's Stress Level
This article lists practical ways to help your team recognize and manage unhealthy stress.
Balm in Gilead
This nonprofit improves health and wellness for African Americans by spreading awareness in...
The Wisdom of Your Body: Finding Healing, Wholeness, and Connection through Embodied Living
This psychology-based book explores embodiment, the practice of living freely and wholly,...
web resource
Association of Black Psychologists Directory of Black Psychologists
This webpage offers a directory to search for black wellness professionals and subject...
person person
Campbell, Kobe
Kobe Campbell is an award-winning licensed trauma therapist, Christian counselor, writer,...
web resource
United Methodist Church's Promoting Health and Wholeness
An online resource for the holistic well being of all people, mental, physical and...
Sacred Self-Care: Daily Practices for Nurturing Our Whole Selves
This book, written by a clinical psychologist/pastor, offers a seven-week guide aimed to...
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