574 results for Specialized Ministries


web resource
Introduction to Live Streaming
This engaging webpage offers simple steps and video tutorials to start streaming your worship...
How to Reach and Engage your Congregation in a Digital World: The Pastor's Guide to Live Video...
Written by a live stream vendor, this short e-book explains how to easily stream worship and...
Children's Ministry Check-In and Check-Out Procedures
This article focuses on how to keep children safe while they are in church facilities.
Child Sexual Abuse Response Plan
This article equips congregations with ways to prevent child abuse and what to do if abuse is...
Emerging Adulthood: The Winding Road from the Late Teens Through the Twenties
This resource presents a picture of emerging adult life, looking at the five common markers...
web resource
Technology and Distanced Worship Resources
This resource list provides basic training for worship technology and strategies to stay...
This memoir describes an isolated, abusive, fundamentalist childhood, which was redeemed...
web resource
Blessed Tomorrow
This website offers resources to equip leaders to engage their communities for meaningful...
The Twenty-something Soul: Understanding the Religious and Secular Lives of American Young Adults
Through stories and interviews, this book provides a picture of young adults in America and...
iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Happy and Completely Unprepared for...
This book focuses on young adults born from the mid-1990s on. It explores technology’ s...
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