149 results for Black


Balm in Gilead
This nonprofit improves health and wellness for African Americans by spreading awareness in...
This website helps people find a therapist of color for mental health counseling.
Bivocationalism Has Historic Roots and Modern Benefits
As congregation sizes decrease, more clergy consider the need to be bi-vocational....
Crossroads Antiracism Organizing and Training: Dismantling Racism, Building Racial Justice in...
This organization facilitates conversations and trainings for congregations to address race...
web resource
35 by Her Thirty-Fifth: Affirmations and Strategies for Women
This article offers personal and professional affirmations for women to lead.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
This organization offers free mental health courses, support programs, and resources for...
Ministry with Prisoners and Families: The Way Forward
This edited volume equips congregations to form a response to the impact of incarceration on...
Strategies for Educating African American Adults
This engaging, challenging, and practical book equips Christians to teach, learn, and prepare...
Manage Stress and Cultivate Resiliency
This webinar provides mental health practices for coping during COVID-19 and racial unrest.
Jesus and the Disinherited
As we struggle today with poverty, racism, and spiritual disengagement, this book is a...
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