82 results for Care Ministries


web resource
Different Models for Multicultural Congregations and Ministries
This web resource provides a blog written by author Ryk Van Velden who answers the question,...
web resource
Asiamerica Ministries
The mission of the Episcopal denomination’ s Asiamerica Ministries is to strengthen...
Leadership and Grief: A Conversation for Pastors
This webinar provides models of grief and lament, coping mechanisms, leadership on trauma...
web resource
Visitations and Funerals
This go-to site for loss and grief during COVID provides re-imagined rituals, practical...
Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective
BEAM provides emotional health care, resources, and healing for Black communities.
Caring for Wellbeing of Older Adults during COVID-19
This list provides ideas for coordinating care and connection for senior adults during...
The National Council for Mental Wellbeing
This membership organization drives policy and social change for mental health and...
"How are you Doing?" Assessing Your Congregation and Community During COVID-19
This article offers tools to connect and care for your community during the COVID-19 crisis....
Sacred Self-Care: Daily Practices for Nurturing Our Whole Selves
This book, written by a clinical psychologist/pastor, offers a seven-week guide aimed to...
organization New
Care For Pastors
Care for Pastors is an organization dedicated to the health and wellbeing of pastors in the...
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