31 results for Membership


Intentional Interim Ministry
Healthychurches.org shares good practices about intentional interim ministry and offers a...
This organization equips churches to create disciples through small groups at homes, moving...
web resource
This survey-based data bank provides employee salary information for more than 100 job titles...
web resource
Vibrant Faith Catalyst
This interactive hub connects faith formation leaders with like-minded peers and a wealth of...
web resource
Pastor Appreciation During Coronavirus
This membership website has sample letters and templates to honor pastors during COVID-19. ...
Congregations' Largest Sources of Concern and Pride
Based on responses from 15,000 congregations in 2020, this document represents what...
Bivocational and Small Church Leadership Network
This organization is a non-profit ministry organization offering support, development, and...
The National Council for Mental Wellbeing
This membership organization drives policy and social change for mental health and...
Shepherd's Staff
This software helps congregations manage their records for membership, attendance,...
web resource
Reframe Curriculum
This website offers curriculum options for Christian youth ministry leaders who seek...
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