46 results for Money


This online donation software includes a variety of giving options to make it easy for...
web resource
Financial Information & Tools
This website provides links and information about finance in congregations.
This customizable giving platform provides many giving and reporting options for large...
WeShare: Online Giving for Churches and Other Community Organizations
This company makes online donation software that can be used with computers, tablets, and...
2022 Church & Clergy Tax Guide
This annual publication provides current information about tax laws, equipping treasurers and...
African American Church Management Handbook
This thorough handbook has advice for all aspects of management in the Black Church including...
Building Wealth in the Black Community
This video shares financial habits for African American economic empowerment, including...
The 21 Day Financial Fast
This text is often used for financial literacy courses in local congregations.
Michelle Singletary
This national speaker teaches congregations about economic development, wealth building, and...
web resource
dFree Foundation
This 12-step program provides interactive tools to become debt-free and avoid financial...
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