21 results for Intelligence


Rooted: Life at the Crossroads of Science, Nature, and Spirit
This book helps congregations explore connections among spirituality, science, and nature....
This software helps congregations organize and automate social media content creation and...
This software package provides congregations with a single application for managing money,...
article Updated
The 2024 State of AI in the Church Survey Report
This article from Exponential provides information from a survey on the current thoughts...
web resource Updated
AI and the Human: Faith Perspectives On The Future
This website from the Unitarian Universalist Association provides thoughtful reflection on...
Transforming Church Conflict: Compassionate Leadership in Action
This book evaluates nonviolent communication as a useful tool to be used by churches as a...
web resource
AI and the Ethics of Preaching
In this podcast, recorded and published on YouTube, Ed Stetzer and guest Dr. Scott Rae...
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