29 results for Strengths


The Power of Positive Deviance: How Unlikely Innovators Solve the World's Toughest Problems
This resource introduces positive deviance as an ideal problem-solving model, describing how...
Imagining the Small Church: Celebrating a Simpler Path
Filled with moving stories about the life of a small church, this book offers a candid look...
Encyclopedia of Positive Questions: Using Appreciative Inquiry to Bring out the Best in Your...
Written for companies, this resource will nonetheless be helpful for congregations as they...
Learning to SOAR: Creating Strategy that Inspires Innovation and Engagement
Written from a business perspective, congregations can apply concepts from this resource to...
web resource
Sunday Sermon by Dr. Brene Brown at the Washington National Cathedral - January 21, 2018
Psychologist Dr. Brene Brown gives a 17-minute sermon on faith and the church and the...
Consultant Leanette Pokuwaah uses the Enneagram framework to explore healing, personality...
Discovering God's Future For Your Church
This toolkit supports congregational leaders by providing a framework for determining your...
organization Updated
Sacred Structures (by Jim Baker)
Sacred Structures serves churches that emphasize values-driven cultures, embrace change,...
Curriculum Evaluation Tool
This article suggests ways to discern if a particular faith formation curriculum is a good fit...
Replant: How a Dying Church Can Grow Again
This book tells the story of how a church was able to merge with a thriving congregation to...
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